To modify a transaction you must have already created a portfolio (How do I create a new portfolio?) and have entered a transaction (How do I add a transaction to my portfolio?)
To edit a transaction in your portfolio:
1. Go to the Generator
2. Click on your portfolio from the horizontal listat the top of the screen (in the example below, it's the white box with orange border):
3. Click on the Transactions tab - here you'll see a list of all your transactions
4. Click on the transaction you want to edit - you will get a popup to show more information
5. To modify the transaction, click the Edit button at the bottom of the pop up
6. Modify your transaction as desired and click the blue Update Transaction button to save
You will be returned to the transaction list.
If the modified transaction is a share sale or purchase then any affected dividend transactions will be removed and added again to reflect the revised value.
Also the holding and portfolio values will be updated to reflect the change.