If you signed up for a dividend notification email, but no longer want to receive it, you can unsubscribe by following these steps:
Go to your email mail inbox (for Gmail, Hotmail, iCloud etc.)
Search your inbox to find the email titled “Please confirm your email address for dividend notifications” sent from notifications@dividendmax.com.
Open the email and select the Confirm your email address button.
On the web page, you will see all your existing dividend notifications.
Select Change.
Select the ❌icon to remove any notifications and you will no longer receive these notifications.
If you've lost the notifications email, then go to your account page at https://www.dividendmax.com/my-account and under "Email Preferences" click the box beside "Dividend Notifications".
Remember to click the button "Save Preferences" so the system knows you no longer want to receive the notifications.